HAPPY NEW CAREER! (Is 2016 the year to give your career prospects a real boost?)

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12 Jan 2016

More often than not, many of us do not find the role that really inspires us first time round. In fact, according to several recent studies across the professional services sector, the average adult has up to six different jobs spanning across six different companies during their working life! In addition to this, nearly half of those that were surveyed said they would quit a job that they had for years in search of greater job satisfaction. So why not make this year the year that you find yours?

The Christmas period for a lot of us is the perfect time to reflect on our careers and what we want to achieve in the coming year. So, as we delve further into 2016, isn’t it time we make the most of getting what we want with our careers?

Before you do this, it’s important to ask yourself these questions: 

  •  What do I want career wise by the end of this year that I don’t already have now?
  • What would career success look like for me in this year?
  • What skills do I want/or need in order to improve this year?

Answering these questions should provide you with some clarification on your career vision and what your next steps could be. From this there are a number of possible options that you can take…


1. Grow and Develop: 

Growing your skill - set is a great way to boost your career prospects in 2016 and provides a perfect opportunity to not only improve your work goals but your personal ones too! One way that this could be done is through attaining a new qualification alongside your current role.There are so many types of qualifications out there, so take some time to research those that you think will benefit you the most.

Of course, combining studying with a full time job will be challenging at times, but just think of how many doors your qualification could open in the future?


2. Work towards a promotion:

This can go hand in hand with investing in your skills, as developing on them will only help you to climb higher up in your career ladder and prepare you for more responsibility. Keeping up with industry trends and improving on your transferable skills such as managing people and how you communicate, will all help to demonstrate your hard work!

Remember, that promotions are not usually given easily, so work hard and ask to take on some added responsibility or volunteering to help others. It will only help to increase your value within your organisation. 


3. Make 2016 your Happy New Career:

If after reflection, you’ve come to the conclusion that your current role no longer provides you with the job satisfaction that you’re after, it could be time to start looking for other roles out there in your market.

Take some time to really think what you want out of your next role. Could it be a larger salary, better career development opportunities, or perhaps an improved work life balance? Understanding what it is that you want will only help towards your job satisfaction in your future role!

By talking to a career consultant like Adlestrop Consulting, we can help guide you through this stage, tailoring it your situation. With access to key decision makers, you’ll be exposed to the most relevant opportunities, alongside others that at first glance you may have not considered, meaning you’ll be well on your way to a Happy New Career! 


To find out more of how we can help you reach your job satisfaction in 2016…

Please Call: 0370 240 1010

Visit our website: www.adlestropconsulting.com

Email: jade.soer@adlestropconsulting.com

Follow us on LinkedIn: Adlestrop Consulting



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